How to recycle electronic waste circuit boards?

Editor: Henan Doing
Date:July 21, 2022

Electronic waste circuit boards have great residual value due to the presence of high-grade precious metals (~28% weight) such as Au, Ag, Cu, Pd, Ta and so on. In addition, the metallic grade in waste circuit boards is more than a hundred times of that in natural mineral resources. Now how to recycle the electronic waste circuit boards has become a hotly debated issue in the 21st century.

waste circuit board recycling machineMethods to recycle electronic waste circuit boards

To achieve a sustainable economy and end-of-life recovery of used products and reuse of recovered materials, several recycling technologies using chemical, thermal approaches and mechanical (mainly refers to waste circuit board recycling machine) have been investigated to date.

Chemical or thermal approaches recycling technologies can remove non-metallic materials (mainly resin fiber) firstly, and then obtain purified metals through pyro-metallurgical or hydro-metallurgical processes. These methods enjoy a little higher efficiency. However, these methods typically require relatively high processing temperature (>200 °C) or high pressure. In addition, the exhaust hazardous fumes and strong chemicals (like acid/alkali) in the recycling process may lead to serious environmental pollution.

waste circuit board recycling machineWaste circuit board recycling machine

Waste circuit board recycling machine is the mainly recycling machinery to recycle electronic waste circuit boards through dismantling, crushing and separation. Electronic components are dismantled from waste circuit boards firstly to get bare boards, and then these bare boards will be crushed into small particles by crusher. At last electrostatic separator and magnetic separator will separate metals from non-metals out of these small particles. This approach is relatively low cost and environment-benign, making it widely used in many countries.

waste circuit board recycling machineFinal product uses

Different from the chemical or thermal approaches technologies, the separated metals by waste circuit board recycling machine has high purity, which can reach to 99%, and the quality won't be damaged. The metals has good selling market, which can bring high profit to us. The non-metallic fraction from waste circuit boards could also be added as fillers to fabricate high-strength composites, like high-strength fabrics or heat- and corrosion-resistant fabrics, FRP tanks and vessels, etc.

Henan Doing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd is a professional waste circuit board recycling machinery, which has 11 years experience. If you want to get one set high working efficiency and environment-benign waste circuit board recycling machine, welcome to contact us feel free.

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