How to dispose of waste photovoltaic solar panels and recycle?

Editor: Henan Doing
Date:July 23, 2024

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels have become a cornerstone of the global transition to renewable energy, providing clean electricity generation with minimal environmental impact over their lifetime. However, as these photovoltaic solar panels reach the end of their service life, they present a new challenge: how to dispose of waste photovoltaic solar panels and recycle?

Why Recycling Matters:

PV solar panel waste is classified as electronic waste (e-waste), which, if not managed properly, can lead to environmental pollution due to the presence of potentially hazardous materials. Moreover, the glass, copper, aluminum, and silicon used in solar panels represent valuable resources that should be recovered and reused to minimize resource depletion and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with raw material extraction and processing.

Waste Photovoltaic Solar Panel Disposal and Recycling Process:

The recycling of PV solar panels involves several stages, each targeting specific components for recovery and reuse. Taking DOING photovoltaic solar panel recycling machine as an example, the following is an overview of the typical recycling process:

Photovoltaic solar panel recycling machinePhotovoltaic solar panel recycling machine

1. Collection and Transportation

The first step in recycling solar panels is collecting them from their end-of-life locations, which could be residential rooftops, commercial installations, or decommissioned solar farms. Efficient logistics are vital to minimize transportation costs and environmental impacts.


Upon arrival at the recycling facility, pv solar panels undergo pre-processing, which includes manual or mechanical disassembly to separate the aluminum frame, junction box, cables from the rest of the module. The aluminum frame is removed from the discarded pv solar panels using an aluminum frame removal machine.

Frame removal machineFrame removal machine

DOING frame removal machine can process photovoltaic solar panels of all specifications on the market. The equipment can adjust the processing length and width according to the specifications of the collected pv solar panels.

3.Glass Separation

The glass layer is an important component of pv solar panels and is separated using a special glass removing machine. DOING glass removing machine removes the glass on the surface of waste solar panels. The glass removal rate can reach 98%, with a glass removal rate of up to 98%. Most of the glass obtained is glass particles rather than powder, and its market price is higher than that of powder. The recovered glass can usually be recycled into new glass products or used again to make new solar panels.

Glass removing machineGlass removing machine

4. Metal and Plastic Recovery

The next stage involves the crushing and screening process to recover valuable materials from the remaining pv solar panel cells. The photovoltaic solar panels with the aluminum frame and glass removed enter the double-shaft shredder to tear the pv solar panels into strips, and then the materials enter the crusher, which breaks the materials into small pieces of 1-2 cm. Through negative pressure feeding, these small pieces will enter the fine grinder. The ground materials that do not meet the size standards will be returned to the fine grinder, and those with qualified particle sizes will enter the air separator.The air separator screens out metal powder on one side and plastic and a small amount of metal on the other side. These plastics and a small amount of metal enter the electrostatic separator to sort out pure plastic and metal again.

Photovoltaic solar panel recycling machinePhotovoltaic solar panel recycling machine

DOING photovoltaic solar panel recycling machine uses professional crushing, disassembling and screening technology to recycle the glass, aluminum frames, silicon, copper and plastic in waste solar panels. It is not only more environmentally friendly, but also has a recycling rate of up to 98%.

Recycling waste photovoltaic solar panels not only helps solve the environmental problems caused by discarded solar panels, but also promotes the development of a circular economy by recycling and reusing valuable material resources. If you are interested in photovoltaic solar panel recycling machine and want to get more details, please feel free to contact us. We are committed to providing you with the greatest support.

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