What's the working principle of aliuminum plastic recycling plant?

Editor: Henan Doing
Date:December 7, 2020

The aluminum plastic recycling plant can process all kinds of waste aluminum plastic composites like the common waste medicine board, aluminum foil, yogurt bottle cover, aluminum-plastic vacuum packaqing, etc. But do you know the principle of aluminum plastic recycling plant? Now I will make a detailed of introduction for you.

aluminum plastic recycling plant Different kinds of waste aluminum plastic composites

Crushing and grinding - Put the aluminum plastic composites into a crusher to break them into smaller particles and grind the materials to be granules or powder.

aluminum plastic recycling plantWorking principle of aluminum plastic recycling plant

Eddy-vribrating screen - the powder mixture of aluminum and plastic was put into eddy-vibrating screen for screening, and the larger particles were screened out for grinding again.

Electrostatic separator - It is known that copper is one of the common conductors with good electrical conductivity, while plastics have no conductivity. According to the different conductivity characteristics of aluminum and plastic, When the mixed powder of plastic and aluminum is used for the cylinder inside the electrostatic separator, there will be a fixed high-voltage electrode above it.

aluminum plastic recycling plant Aluminum plastic recycling plant and the separated aluminum & platic

When they leave the magnetic field, the aluminum powder will quickly lose the charge, and the plastic will continue to carry, so under the next centrifugal force and gravity, the aluminum powder will thrown out of the roller, the plastic powder falls along the roller, which separates the aluminum powder and plastic. After the whole process of aluminum plastic recycling plant, the aluminum and plastic is whole separated and the purity is very high.

aluminum plastic recycling plant Aluminum plastic recycling plant at DOING factory

In addtion, the crushing and grinding system is equipped with circulation water cooling device, which could ensure the plastic not be melted or discolored during the crushing and grinding process. Dust would be collected by pulse dust collector during the production process, thus to keep clean working environment.

After you reading the article, I believe you have detailed understanding of working principle of aluminum plastic recycling plant. I you want to process waste aluminum plastic composites or buy aluiminum plastic recycling plant, please feel free to contact us, we look forward to cooperating with you.

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