Effective use of e-waste recycling machine

Industry news / Chat on line / Give me a price / 2016-09-29

e waste recycling machine
E waste recycling machien
Electronic waste, commonly known as "e-waste" means waste electrical or electronic equipment is no longer in use, including refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, television sets, computers and other appliances and electronic products and other electronic communications technology out of goods.Need careful handling of electronic waste e-waste recycling machine, in some developing countries, a very serious problem of electronic waste, environmental pollution threatens the health of local residents. 
A wide range of e-waste, can be broadly divided into two categories: one is contained in the material is relatively simple, less harmful to the environment of waste electronic products, such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners and other appliances as well as medical, scientific and other appliances, dismantling and disposal of these products is relatively simple; the other is more complex material contained on the environmental hazards of waste electronic products is relatively large, such as lead, computer components, computer, television picture tubes contained within arsenic, mercury and other harmful substances, the phone's raw arsenic, cadmium, lead and many other persistent bioaccumulative drop and toxic substances. E-waste contains a variety of harmful substances, so you can not simply send it to the trash incinerator for incineration. In addition, e-waste also contains recyclable parts are recyclable trash. You can take advantage of e-waste recycling machine and ELV recycling machine turning waste into treasure advantage.
By manual dismantling and sorting machinery dismantling of electronic waste comprehensive treatment, not only will protect the natural environment, but also to some resource recycling, to achieve the purpose of reducing the cost of manufacturing components. E-waste as a comprehensive body of resources, contains many valuable resources for recycling electronic waste, recycling is an important way to solve the shortage of resources and environmental pollution problems. Through improved resource utilization, turning waste into treasure, give full play to the role of various types, including e-waste, including waste of resources to support the rapid development of China as one of economic and social ways. Shortage of funds has been a major bottleneck norms "e-waste" scientific process, this problem will be with the establishment of waste electrical and electronic products processing funds solved. In accordance with the "Regulations", the producers of electrical and electronic products, electrical and electronic products imported consignee or its agent shall pay a fee in accordance with the Waste Electrical and electronic products as a fund used to subsidize WEEE recycling machine processing costs.


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