The 8th anniversary celebration of DOING successfully held

DOING News / Chat on line / Give me a price / 2019-03-18

Today is the eight-year anniversary of Henan DOING Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. To celebrate this special moment, on March 15, 2019, the eight-year anniversary of the "Eight Years of DOING - Thank You" Held. More than 100 employees at the headquarters in Zhengzhou, Henan attended the celebration. We shared the joy and excitement of the 8th anniversary celebration.

copper wire recycling machineStaff at the headqyarters

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Henan DOING Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd development history of the promotional video was played on stage, one after another familiar or strange faces, new breakthroughs again and again, let us review the eight years of DOING step by step. The journey, eight years of wind and rain, makes every DOING person feel an upsurge of emotion.

cable granulatorSenior excutives and representative employee sharing their experiences

Then Mr. Zheng delivered a speech. In his passionate speech, Mr. Zheng reviewed the progress and eight years history of Henan DOING and expressed deep gratitude to the employees who accompany the company to grow together and thanks to the support of customers, suppliers and partners. At the end of the speech, Mr. Zheng put forward requirements and expectations for the future development of DOING, inspiring every DOING person to not forget the original heart and continue to move forward. Then, the company's senior executives and representative employees came to the stage to share their experiences, moved every DOING person present.

PCB recycling machineChampagne and tasty food to celebrate

Finally, Zheng and the company executives opened champagne to celebrate the eighth anniversary of DOING. Every DOING person writes the words of blessing for the company and looks forward to a better tomorrow for DOING.

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