Why do people recycle waste radiators?

Industry news / Chat on line / Give me a price / 2019-05-11

Because that expensive metal like copper, aluminum and iron consists radiators, and there are a lot of waste radiators every year from air-conditioning water tanks, car water tanks, etc, so in order to reuse cooper, aluminum and iron, it is very import to recycle waste radiators. In modern life, air conditioning and cars are almost essential furniture and transportation tools. According to relevant survey data, only in Chinese market, household air conditioners sold more than 88 million units in the year 2018. The domestic car ownership rate is 200 million right now. With so many air conditioners and cars, the daily rate of radiators and waste radiators consumed is very large.


waste radiatorsWaste air conditioners and car radiators

The replacement of indoor air conditioners and the disposal of automobiles have produced a large number of scrap copper and aluminum from waste radiators. Because of the high content of non-ferrous metals such as copper, aluminum and iron in copper and aluminum radiators, it is very worthwhile to recycle waste radiators.

Then how to recycle waste radiators? We conduct detailed investigation and analysis below:

Obviously, in the high-speed development of the global economy, due to the increase in labor costs, the recycling of a large number of waste radiators can no longer be considered by relying on manual recycling and crushing of waste radiators. We consider to use machines to recycle waste radiators to reach the purpose of high separation efficiency and high recovery.

Then, when werecycle waste radiators by machine, how about the handling capacity of the waste radiator recycling machine? How many tons of waste air-conditioning radiators can be crushed and separated in one day? How much can the recovery rate reach? Below we make a brief introduction:

1.The entire production line uses machine crushing, splitting, sorting, the output of the entire production line is relatively high.

2.We have different processing capacity to recycle waste radiators, it can process 300kg -1200kg waste radiators per hour.

3.The machine is separated by shearing and pulverizing into a mixture of copper, aluminum and iron. After the iron is separated by a magnetic separator, the copper and aluminum are separated by gas flow and specific gravity separation, and the separation efficiency is very high, and the metal recovery rate is as high as 99%.

radiator recycling machine

The process of radiator recycling machine If you also want to recycle waste radiators, welcome contact us for detailed solution.

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