Electronic waste pcb separation machine

Editor: Henan Doing
Date:January 18, 2017

pcb separator machine
Electronic waste pcb separation machine
Electronic waste pcb separation machine is for processing the waste circuit boards generated from all kinds of electric appliances for recycle use. From the PCB recycling process, you can get clean copper and resin powder for making new products.
Electronic waste pcb separation machine application raw material
pcb separator machine
Electronic waste pcb separation machine application raw material

Electronic waste pcb separation machine is apply to processing all kinds of waste circuit boards from all kinds of electric appliances, such as computers, TV, air conditioners, refrigerators, etc.

Electronic waste pcb separation machine working process
pcb machine
Electronic waste pcb separation machine flow chart

Electronic waste pcb separation machine final product
electfonic waste pcb machine
                                               Electronic waste pcb separation machine final product

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